Certificate SOLIDWORKS Professional (CSWP)
SOLIDWORKS certifications are a benchmark to measure your knowledge and competency with SOLIDWORKS software. A certification helps you to stand out from the crowd and showcases your expertise to businesses professionals alike – a valuable asset in a competitive job market.
At the end of this program participants are expected to:
Get formal recognition of achievement
Online certificate access
Professional credibility with proven engineering competencies
Membership to the community CSWP
There is a minimum 14 day waiting period between every attempt of the same CSWP Segment exam. Also, an exam credit for that CSWP Segment must be purchased for each exam attempt.
Attended SOLIDWORKS Essentials Course
Attended SOLIDWORKS Essentials Course
Attended Advance Part Modeling Course
Attended Advance Assembly Modeling Course
Basic understanding of part design and drafting
Practical hands-on with using computers and case studies

Course Quick Info
3 hours 20 minutes
Segment 1: 70 min
Segment 2: 50 min
Segment 3: 80 min
Who Should Attend
Application Engineer, R&D Engineer, Product Designer or Engineer, Industrial Engineer